Implementing an electronic requisition workflow in WEBCON BPS allows you to streamline the requisition process significantly and gain better control of expenditures.
Handling purchase orders is one of the most often automated internal processes as it affects practically all company staff. It is natural then that streamlining this process will noticeably increase the quality of staff support, as well as reduce time spent by employees on administrative tasks, which often turns out more important from the company’s perspective.
Correct implementation of the purchase order workflow also brings clear financial benefits in the form of better control over company expenditures and improved quality of the assignment of ordered goods. If the description of an invoice you receive from a supplier is problematic, the problem is automatically solved because the purchase order creation stage imposes the need for correct invoice description.
What is more, eliminating physical paper documents from the purchase order process does not only save paper and reduce print costs, but also saves the time normally spent on collecting signatures. Thanks to web interface and specially designed emails available also on mobile devices, decision-maker’s absence in the workplace does not need to delay the approval process.
Finally, thanks to mechanisms controlling the time of internal purchase order completion you can monitor process quality and consistently eliminate bottlenecks. It is particularly important when the ordered goods are connected with services that are to be provided to an external customer and have strictly set deadlines.
The most common purchase order pattern consists of the following steps:
- purchase order registration by end user;
- approval by the user’s immediate supervisor;
- approval by the administrative department or a proxy or the Board, depending on the authorizations connected with limit amounts;
- moving the order to the purchase department or another internal department, or moving it directly to the supplier, depending on purchase category;
- monitoring the process, including sending automatic alerts to the person assigned to it, and/or sending an automatic email to the supplier asking them to check the process status;
- providing the recipient with the object of purchase order and confirming it with a suitable reception protocol (if applicable); the protocol is automatically printed from the system and, once signed, it is scanned and attached to the completed purchase order application.
This pattern can be freely developed and modified at the stage of system implementation and maintenance.
Essential features of WEBCON BPS
In the context of handling internal purchase order workflow, essential WEBCON BPS features include:
- the possibility to model any approval workflow, including a conditional multi-level flow involving purchase order parameters (e.g. limit amounts, categories, etc.) or the properties of the purchase order-submitting party;
- effective change management, including efficient support of temporary replacements and task delegation;
- the possibility to modify the existing flow in case business practices change, including modifications made by the IT department on the client’s side;
- full-scale monitoring of registered and processed purchase orders, including the history of approvals and changes;
- process reporting, including identification of bottlenecks;
- integration with company IT systems to leverage their dictionaries (e.g. ERP dictionary of external suppliers) and, e.g. the record of the approved purchase orders in the ERP system;
- handling large volumes of data and large numbers of employees.