Business Process Management Software

Let the Business Process Management Software do its work and reap the profits of Industry 4.0

Business Process Management System and its potential for enterprises

Business Process Management Software is a system which helps manage, automate, and optimize workflows. According to Gartner's research, Business Process Management (BPM) has been a top priority for most organizations worldwide for over a decade. WEBCON has been at the forefront of BPM development throughout that time. So why is it so critical, and what have we learnt about doing it right?

What is Business Process Management?

Let's start by making our language clear. Gartner defines Business Process Management as a discipline that uses various methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, and optimize business processes.

Another definition points out that BPM is a part of operations management, and involves modeling, automating, executing, controlling, measuring and optimizing flows of business activity, known as workflows.

The discipline has also been recognized as Process Modeling, Business Process Improvement, Business Process Reengineering and Business Process Automation.

Why is Business Process Management crucial for businesses at this very moment?

While a disciplined approach to discovering and managing processes can leverage a much sought after competitive edge for companies of all sizes, it becomes a necessity for large, highly complex, multinational organizations. Business Process Management gives them a set of tools that - if skillfully applied - help them navigate the complexity and increase the efficiency of their operations.

The ultimate purpose of all Business Process Management efforts in an enterprise is to support the organization's goals, whatever they are.

On top of the "business as usual" competition and the built-in-the-market pressure to reduce costs and increase efficiency, enterprises are currently finding themselves in the midst of the digital transformation . In these circumstances, their priorities vary: from bare survival, to being the first to grasp emerging market opportunities and reap the benefits that the digital revolution brings to market mavericks. Organizations that have chosen to use Business Process Management and operational excellence principles have discovered the previously dormant potential and identified new areas for improvement. Putting it all into practice is what keeps them ahead of their peers.

And what happens if organizations don’t use any BPM Workflow Software? Unmanaged processes can lead to organizational chaos. Poor time management, errors made in repetitive tasks performed by employees, and no cooperation between IT and business - these are the scenarios that can happen to a firm that is not using any Business Process Automation Software and is not thinking of getting any in the future.


What to look for in Business Process Management software?

Business Process Management as a discipline doesn't really require any technological tools. It is mostly a voyage of discovery of how a particular system works, how people cooperate and communicate within it, and so onIn real life, however, the size and complexity of the daily tasks of any modern organization do require the use of technology in order to model the business processes efficiently. Standard ERP systems are not designed to address all the complex needs of an organization that is trying to navigate the digital transformation.

At this point, Business Process Management stops being the sole responsibility of operational managers and enters the Information Technology department. A successful BPM solutions must act as a bridge between the Business and the IT domains in the enterprise.

Business Process Management - a business perspective

From a business perspective, a well-designed and deployed Business Process Management System:

  • focuses on saving time, money and other assets,
  • improves business agility: the ability to pause and fast forward business processes,
  • ensures regulatory compliance with standards and laws,
  • promotes security and safety measures,
  • provides data and insight that help arrive at smart solutions in the present and prepare for the future,
  • is open to changes.

A technological solution is applied best in areas where humans are not a match for the ever-increasing automation and are prone to error. Specifically, a good Business Process Management solution can helps in areas that require optimization by focusing on:

  • eliminating minor bottlenecks,
  • removing redundancies
  • eradicating possible error situations.

Business Process Management - an IT perspective

From the IT technology point of view, there are four basic elements to a Business Process Management System:

  • First, there is the process engine, a robust platform for modeling and executing process-based applications, including business rules.
  • Second, there is a business analytics component that - with reports and dashboards - enables managers to identify business trends, opportunities and issues, and allows them to react.
  • Third, content management provides a system for storing and securing electronic documents, images, and other files.
  • Fourth, collaboration tools facilitate communication within departments and among them, through discussion forums, dynamic workspaces, message boards, and similar solutions.

How to go digital successfully with a Business Process Management System,

One of the crucial steps on the digital transformation journey of an enterprise is digitalization of its paper documents. Traditional typology of IT systems distinguishes Document Management Systems (DMS) - used for registering, scanning, classifying, storing and sharing digitalized documents) from Business Process Management System (responsible for assigning tasks, handling approval processes and distributing data and information). In practice these two layers overlap and need to be seamlessly integrated .

All and all, the expectations of a Business Process Management System are high, both on the business stakeholders, and the IT department part. If a BPM solution is to perform up to them, it must be both robust, able to carry the weight of all the data and actions, and flexible,

Total Economic Impactâ„¢ of WEBCON BPS

According to Forrester's study, WEBCON BPS allows to save $1 M, experience 113% ROI & accelerate business processes by up to 87%

Read the brand new TEI study to discover both quantifiable and more subjective benefits companies experience after implementing the WEBCON BPS platform. Learn how you can empower your organization with intelligent business process management.

Why is WEBCON BPS an outstanding choice as a Business Process Management solution?

Offering a state-of-art low-code BPM platform, WEBCON has been at the forefront of the development of Business Process Management solutions for the last decade of it rising to the position of a top priority for organizations. We are successful not by luck, but thanks to a thorough understanding of how organizations deploy their BPM solutions - from both business and IT point of view.

To start with, there are three major traits that make the WEBCON BPS platform distinctive when it comes to ease of deployment and flexibility of change:

  • It is low-code , which means that you can start by modeling the process from end to end, then figure out what data the process needs. As the final step, you can take the built-in user interface and customize it.
  • With our unique InstantChangeTM technology, you can change any workflow you have built in midflight, without having to painstakingly rebuild the whole system. The system simply adapts to the change.
  • It has forms tied to workflow. As the workflow is modified, the form adapts without scripts, or formulas. The platform has reusable logic built into it and suggests form options in any given workflow.

And this is just the beginning. Learn more about what makes WEBCON BPS stand out from other BPM solutions:

Why a Brand X User should Look at WEBCON BPS

How to evaluate BPM platforms for SharePoint (PART 1: Preliminary market analysis)

How to evaluate BPM platforms for SharePoint (PART 2: In-depth technical evaluation)

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WEBCON is the leading European-based provider of a complete Low-code Application Platform for mass delivering business solutions. Companies choose WEBCON to dramatically reduce time and cost of app development. The platform allows them to automate and manage business processes across the entire organization – using a single, unified platform. Thanks to its unique InstantChange™ technology, WEBCON embraces change like no other platform on the market.


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ECR Management

An engineering change request (ECR) to alter a product design can be triggered by various sources: audits, enhancement ideas, customer complaints, etc. A fix to a product design can be issued by any employee and the ultimate goal is quality improvement, which can directly influence revenue. By automating the Engineering Change Management (ECM) process, you can bring better products to market faster. Forget missing deadlines, loosing documents, flawed decision-making due to poor visibility of the process, duplicating change requests. Instead, with a dedicated application, gain an overview of the changes that are underway, boost productivity, lower the process costs, eliminate bottlenecks and gather all information related to the ECRs in one place.

New Product Development

A well-managed product lifecycle process allows to bring better products to market faster. With WEBCON BPS, you can provide an enterprise-wide solution that will streamline product development process, improve collaboration between departments, and provide seamless access to all product-related data. From submitting an idea, through research, creating a prototype, testing, designing the packaging, up to manufacturing, introducing the product to the market, and analyzing the feedback – a dedicated application will make sure everyone involved is well-informed on the assigned tasks, and the management gains visibility to improve productivity, and spot any bottlenecks along the way.