C1B - Advanced configuration and implemention

Choose this course if:

  • You wish to develop as an implementation consultant
  • Your projects require advanced configurations in Designer Studio
  • Your business places higher demands on your existing applications
  • You have completed the Basics of building applications in WEBCON BPS C00 course

What will you learn from the course?

  • How to meet your business requirements in Designer Studio
  • How to create a full-blown application in WEBCON BPS
  • How to use external data sources
  • How to effectively develop sub-processes
  • How to manage process configuration with DEV-TEST-PROD environments
  • How to prepare full post-implementation documentation

How can you benefit?

This course will largely extend your knowledge of process configuration based on WEBCON BPS and our best implementation practices, giving you examples of various business application configurations. It will equip you with the skills necessary to take up a middle or senior consultant post in your company. Perhaps you will also manage an implementation team in a large project, as the lead consultant or solution architect.

What do we expect of our participants?

You are expected to show precision when configuring processes, a certain autonomy when running an implementation project based on analytical documentation. You should actively seek out solutions that will result in applications working exactly as expected from your business.

What’s next?

When you have completed the Advanced configuration and implemention C1B course, you can pursue a career as a business process analyst. You can also take a chance on becoming a pre-sales consultant in a sales department, and preparing the POCs for your client on your own.

You can also think about taking the next step and signing up for the additional courses S0.


Topics covered by the Advanced configuration and implemention course:

  • Importing business application
  • How to use HotMailBoxes and HotFolders
  • Examples of business rules
  • Examples of form rules
  • Form validation
  • When to use process and global constants
  • Active Directory actions
  • Implementing sub-workflows
  • Initializing item lists
  • Importing data from Excel spreadsheets
  • Working with Word Add-In
  • Generating PDF files
  • Applying barcodes to your instances
  • Mechanisms of database retention and archiving.
  • Simulation of a WEBCON BPS implementation – gathering requirements, choosing the best methodology, managing changes
  • Choosing the best infrastructure for WEBCON BPS
  • Scenarios of installation on-premises and in the cloud. Redundancy and High Availability.
  • Documentation – good practices
  • Exercises – configuring and implementing an application based on an implementation project document
  • Certification exam


General part


9:00 – 17:00


9:00 – 17:00


9:00 – 17:00

Exercises and individual consultations with the trainer (1 lesson hour per day)




Certification exam



Eeneral part


9:00 – 15:00


9:00 – 15:00


9:00 – 16:00


9:00 – 13:45

Exercises and individual consultations with the trainer (1 lesson hour per day)




Certification exam


Courses can be held either remotely via Microsoft Teams, or on-site at the WEBCON offices.

The organizer will provide:

  • IT environment for the purpose of the course and for the participant’s individual work.
  • Training materials, presentations (digital and printed) and supplementary materials.
  • Coffee breaks and – when visiting WEBCON – catering.
  • Space for individual work.
  • Access to trainers and consultations.

The participant is expected to:

  • Have their own laptop to use during the course and – when participating remotely – to facilitate a videoconference connection. The laptop must have access to Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Teams.
  • Actively participate in the course.
  • Accept WEBCON Academy terms and conditions.


Basics of building applications

You will learn the basics of configuring business processes in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio. You will also find out how document workflows work and how to configure manager desktops and reports, as well as how to build business rules and flexible document forms.

Additional courses

Courses for those who have completed the basic course C00 and want to further develop their implementation skills. You can choose from the following specialization tracks:

  • Work with documents
  • Instalation and administration
  • Use of SDK

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

WEBCON is the leading European-based provider of a complete Low-code Application Platform for mass delivering business solutions. Companies choose WEBCON to dramatically reduce time and cost of app development. The platform allows them to automate and manage business processes across the entire organization – using a single, unified platform. Thanks to its unique InstantChange™ technology, WEBCON embraces change like no other platform on the market.


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ECR Management

An engineering change request (ECR) to alter a product design can be triggered by various sources: audits, enhancement ideas, customer complaints, etc. A fix to a product design can be issued by any employee and the ultimate goal is quality improvement, which can directly influence revenue. By automating the Engineering Change Management (ECM) process, you can bring better products to market faster. Forget missing deadlines, loosing documents, flawed decision-making due to poor visibility of the process, duplicating change requests. Instead, with a dedicated application, gain an overview of the changes that are underway, boost productivity, lower the process costs, eliminate bottlenecks and gather all information related to the ECRs in one place.

New Product Development

A well-managed product lifecycle process allows to bring better products to market faster. With WEBCON BPS, you can provide an enterprise-wide solution that will streamline product development process, improve collaboration between departments, and provide seamless access to all product-related data. From submitting an idea, through research, creating a prototype, testing, designing the packaging, up to manufacturing, introducing the product to the market, and analyzing the feedback – a dedicated application will make sure everyone involved is well-informed on the assigned tasks, and the management gains visibility to improve productivity, and spot any bottlenecks along the way.